Sunday, January 10, 2010

Global warming is NOT going to kill us all!

Does global warming occur? Yes. Are fossil fuels to blame for some of it? Yes. Do we have an environmental catastrophe on our hands because of this? NO. Below is a link to a very enlightening video from the founder of the Weather Channel, and it explains how peaks and valleys in temperature have occurred since long before humans ever got here, and how the sun is actually responsible for temperature rises. One more thing...the earth is COOLING at the moment.

I'm not one who believes that we can do whatever we want to the earth and its inhabitants (both human and non-human) without consequences. However, the extreme environmentalist agenda is spreading flat out lies about what the real state of our planet is. Like most everything, I think a balance is needed. And while maintaining that balance, we can be assured that we are most certainly NOT going to destroy the planet!

John Coleman, Founder of the Weather Channel, on the Real Science of Global Warming

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