Monday, February 22, 2010

Republicrats suck!

Perhaps I'll soon post my rant from the other day about CPAC and how it seemed to me that so many of the attendees seemed to put loyalty to the Republican party over loyalty to the country, as evidenced by their booing over Ron Paul winning an informal straw poll about who should be the GOP nominee in 2012. I also find fault with the media, who are still clueless.

The real purpose of this post, though, is to talk about "republicrats." I didn't make up the word (I think Larry Elder did). As you may have guessed, a "republicrat" is your average Congressional member of the Democratic, or the Republican, party. Truly, there is LITTLE DIFFERENCE between them at the moment, except for the fact that they're all so damn partisan that they refuse to do what's right for the country, even if it means possibly losing an election. 

While I tend to be more conservative than liberal in most things, I'm really more libertarian, or perhaps independent, than anything. Those with a libertarian or independent outlook seem to be much more on the side of freedom for all than the Democrats or the Republicans. I could go into many reasons why (ex: initially I had a rant about the idiocy of both of the major parties' positions on the health care issue contained within this post), but I won't for the sake of semi-brevity and your eyes. ;) However, I will post this link to a 2009 blog post from a friend of mine that should provide food for thought (sorry...couldn't resist saying SOMETHING, even if it's by way of a friend! LOL!).

I was gratified to see this column on the Huffington Post today from radio talk show host Michael Smerconish. He's not as well known as Limbaugh, Hannity, Maddow, or Olbermann, but he makes a lot more sense than any of those people most of the time. Smerconish says that after 30 years, he's leaving the Republican party, largely because he sees what I and many others see...the Republicans, like the Democrats, are unwilling to work out their differences and do what's good for the country, lest they lose their cushy little Congressional seats that you and I pay for. 

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