Friday, October 23, 2009

Proof that some people don't have a brain.

I just saw this poll on Facebook.

"Should the Obama administration shut down Fox News?

a. Yes

b. No

c. It's unconstitutional" the person who created this poll brain dead? Do they even have a brain? Have they ever heard of something called the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? The stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze me. Thank God most people aren't this dumb.

Obviously, I voted no on this, but I could just as easily have voted that it's unconstitutional. I don't always agree with Fox News or the commentators on it. However, they do have a right to exist and to express their viewpoints. And based on what I see in the majority of the mainstream media, they do indeed present a different viewpoint on many issues.

Before someone thinks I'm a Fox News or GOP apologist here, I would also say no if the question asked if McCain (had he won) should ban MSNBC. Utterly ridiculous question and notion.

Now, if the question asked if the Obama administration should shut down Sean Hannity, Keith Olbermann, Bill O'Reilly, or Rachel Maddow, I think I'd vote yes on that one! Yes, I'm kidding. Still, all four of those commentators drive me batshit crazy. Notice that I've named two liberal commentators and two conservative commentators...two can probably best be associated with Democrats, and two can probably best be associated with Republicans. Translation: both major political parties drive me nuts, as do most polarizing political commentators (yet another example of how the polarization of America is hurting our country...see my last blog post for a rant on that if you care).  I vote with my conscience and mind and heart, not with what some pointy-headed commentator decides to tell me.

On a related note, if Congress tries to re-instate the (not really) "Fairness Doctrine", then I hope there are many people who are up in arms about it. There is nothing fair about it. Making sure that all viewpoints are heard is important, and I think that most of those viewpoints are heard via radio, TV, blogs, and newspapers. Why do we need yet another government regulation telling us what we can and can't hear? While I admit that part of me thinks it would be funny if Rush Limbaugh was forced to have Nancy Pelosi as a guest on his show, the reality is that it would do nothing but stifle debate and freedom.

I'm done for now. And this is probably about as pithy as you're gonna get from me! LOL!

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