Wednesday, October 28, 2009

These are people who give religion a bad name.

I'll just post the link to the web page so you can read it for yourself. Short synopsis: some church in North Carolina is planning a "book burning" for what they consider to be "evil or satanic" books and music. Even the Bible itself is being burned, if it's not the "King James Version." Other authors whose "evil" books are being burned are Rick Warren ("The Purpose Driven Life"), Billy Graham, and Mother Teresa.

By no means am I suggesting that organized religion is bad on its face. In fact, I think it's a good thing for most people, and I know more happy people who belong to a religion than I do people who don't belong to a religion. I also think that not respecting others' beliefs (even if you don't agree with them), as well as doing bad things "in the name of God" are directly counter to the message that is inherent in many religions...Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, and a host of others. Even though I believe that having a spiritual home is a good thing, one doesn't need to be perfect at their religion, or even profess a religion, in order to be a good person.

Anyway...underneath the video, read the lyrics to a song called "Good Man" by one of my favorite musicians, David Wilcox. He hits it right on the head about the hypocrisy and bad name given to innocent people when terrible acts are done "in the name of God." I'll have more to say about that in another blog post later today or tomorrow, but for now, take a look at this link, read the story, watch the video, and read those lyrics (and if you want to listen to the song, go to David Wilcox's website here and go to song #102...and there are lots of other great songs on there for your listening pleasure that'll cure what ails ya!).

**PS to Maryann: Have you listened to the rest of that David Wilcox CD I gave you? No? Then DO IT! LOL! Listen to track 9 ("To Love") and you'll really get a sense of my feelings on things. I think you will love that song! :)

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