Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

There are still about 10 minutes left in 2009 as I write this sitting near Dallas, Texas. For me, 2009 wasn't the worst year, but it certainly wasn't the best either. I'm glad for year, new beginnings...all that stuff. I'm not going to make any resolutions, because I inevitably fail to stick to them. However, I do need to be more mindful of the beauty and great things about our world and life in general. To that end, here's a video I found on YouTube that's set to one of my favorite songs. When I was a DJ back in the mid '90s, I played it on just about every show I did...sometimes dedicating it to family and friends. This year, I dedicate it to you, me, and all of us. Happy New Year, y'all! :)


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