Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Inspiration from a beautiful and solitary tree

I took this with my camera phone on November 25, a gorgeous 70-something degree day in the DFW Metroplex. Yes, that's the hood of my car in the foreground...I was too lazy to get out of the car! ;) The picture is really cool to me. It's as if there is all of this desolation on the periphery of the picture (the bare trees), and then there's this one beautiful tree right in the middle that seems to say "I've still got something good to give despite the stark conditions around me." Call me weird, but I really like it. The last day or so has been difficult for me in trying to maintain my positive attitude at the consistent level it's been at over the last few weeks. I'm glad I pulled out this picture and looked at it again. Somehow, it inspires me to keep going.

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