Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just exactly what backroom deals are being made regarding health care reform?

I'm glad that there is bipartisan support and pressure for President Obama to, as he has promised, "increase transparency" in government. This story lists some specific things that Congress wants President Obama to disclose regarding any discussions on health care reform, and I think they're all reasonable. The American people have a right to know who the president or his designates are meeting with, and at a minimum, the general purpose of the meeting. We also have the right to know the details of any compromises or "deals" that have been made. It's only fair, and it will (hopefully) help to ensure that the public's collective voice is as important as the voices of lobbyists for health insurance companies or medical unions or the like. Given that the story to which I link gives some evidence of "deals" being made, it's all the more important that the public is kept in the loop on this. Plus, as stated before, it will help to ensure that President Obama's promise of a more "transparent" government is kept...and that's a good promise. 

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