Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

There are still about 10 minutes left in 2009 as I write this sitting near Dallas, Texas. For me, 2009 wasn't the worst year, but it certainly wasn't the best either. I'm glad for year, new beginnings...all that stuff. I'm not going to make any resolutions, because I inevitably fail to stick to them. However, I do need to be more mindful of the beauty and great things about our world and life in general. To that end, here's a video I found on YouTube that's set to one of my favorite songs. When I was a DJ back in the mid '90s, I played it on just about every show I did...sometimes dedicating it to family and friends. This year, I dedicate it to you, me, and all of us. Happy New Year, y'all! :)


Sunday, December 27, 2009


I could really go on a rant here about my feelings for the Senators and Representatives in Congress (what party they're in is irrelevant). All I will say is that, as usual, none of them seem to listen to or care about us and what WE ELECTED THEM to do. Tea parties and all of that crap are a joke. The ONLY way we're going to get our country back is to FIRE ALL 535 MEMBERS OF CONGRESS! And you know what? I don't think we should wait for re-election time, either. If at all possible, I say we use recalls and not give them a chance to get re-elected. GROW SOME BALLS, AMERICA, AND FIRE THEM ALL! Click this link and join me in the revolution!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Want to move to a state with real growth potential? Try Texas!

I freely admit my biases here. I believe I live in the greatest state in the country...Texas! The friendliness of her people, the general resiliency of the economy relative to the rest of the country, the comparatively low cost of living (some of the cheapest housing in the country, no personal state income tax, and relatively low business taxes), and the extreme diversity in people (more ethnic groups than almost any other state) and geography (how many other states have mountains, palm trees, deserts, beaches, huge pine forests, plains, swamps, lakes, and rolling hills all within their borders?) all make Texas the ideal state in which to live.

Many people apparently agree with me. According to this article from CNN/Fortune/Money Magazine, more people are moving to Texas and Wyoming than to any other states. Although I hear Wyoming is a beautiful state, I won't speak for her because I've never been there. Texas has so many great things going on, though...including all the things I mentioned above, plus world class medical facilities, arts and cultural organizations, universities, and parks. Plus, Texas gets lots more sun than the rest of the country.

Speaking of sun, let's take three states that are known for it in abundance...Texas, California, and Florida. California's economy has been terrible and her population has, at best, remained steady. Florida's economy, while still hurting, has been slightly better than California's. However, Florida actually had more people leave the state than move to her shores. Unlike California and Florida, Texas' economy has not been hurt quite as badly; furthermore, people want to come to Texas...and when they do, they often stay, as I have for nearly 29 years.

Come on and check out Texas! As we say here, it's like a whole other country. :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Music from one of the SEXIEST women in the world!

Ever since I first heard her fantastic album "Little Earthquakes" when it came out in 1991 or 1992, I have been a huge Tori Amos fan. Her songs can be a little cryptic and sometimes strange, and they are also mostly wonderful! Tori has the ability to touch my heart and mind more than most musicians. I've seen her three times in concert, and on at least one occasion in each show I was moved to tears. I would kill to play piano like her! I also want that 9-foot, hand-made, Bosendorfer piano that she plays so is the BEST piano in the world (better than Steinway). On top of her great voice and piano playing skills, I think Tori is incredibly beautiful and sexy! All of her musicianship, beauty, and sexiness is on display here in this video. She's released a new "holiday" CD with re-interpretations of some holiday classics. However, this song is from a different perspective. It's about a couple who are welcoming their little girl into the world right around Christmas. They don't want any traditional presents, just for their daughter to be born healthy, and to "shower the world with pink and glitter." So friggin' cool! Sorry the video is small in the frame. I had to edit the parameters to make it fit, and it didn't quite come out as big as I'd hoped. However, you can click on the video to watch it in full screen. Enjoy! :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

Christmas is in ONE WEEK?!? Wow! How time flies! Of course, it's not too early for a little Christmas music. Here's one of my favorites, by Denton, Texas band Brave Combo. The version of this song is the best I've heard, and I guarantee you that it's different from any other version out there. Enjoy, and Merry (early) Christmas! :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

My life was changed on Friday night.

I found out a few weeks ago that my sister is pregnant with her first child...and that means I'm gonna be an uncle for the first time! I am very excited about this, and I can't wait to be an uncle and have a nephew! All of the fun and none (or almost none) of the responsibility! ;)

How was my life changed on Friday night, you ask? I saw a DVD of my sister's latest fetal sonogram (her son is due in May). So much could be seen! I saw facial and limb features, vertebrae, brain hemispheres, and even the four heart chambers. It was the best thing I have ever seen! So cool!

As an aside...I'm now firmly convinced that abortion is not a political issue. I know that it's a life issue. I wish everyone could experience a feeling like I did when I saw that sonogram on Friday night. If one is morally and intellectually honest with themselves, I don't see how there's any way that someone could justify abortion except in the most extreme circumstances (read: the mother's life is in danger). The little boy growing inside my sister's belly is not a "potential" is a life! Regardless of one's political or religious persuasion, seeing something like that sonogram makes this an indisputable fact. I wish that the media, the public, and the politicians would stop being so damn polarized over this issue (as evidenced by their actions and words). I wish that they would all see this for what it is...the miracle of life!

Again, abortion is not a political issue, nor is it a "choice" or "freedom" issue. Quite simply, it's a life issue...and in the end, that is the only thing that needs to be acknowledged in this "debate." I am neither Democrat nor Republican, and while my politics tend to lean conservative in many areas, I'm not "hard core" on most things. This is an exception, though. After what I saw on Friday night, I don't see how it couldn't be.

I believe I am forever changed by what I saw on Friday night. This doesn't mean I'm going to become a right wing nut job who spews out hatred and/or violence toward those who disagree with me about abortion. As far as I'm concerned, that's just as wrong as the left wing nut jobs who spew out hatred and/or violence toward those who disagree with, for example, the expansion of government in our society. What this does mean for me is that I am more grateful for my life, my friends, my family, and my God. All of them have played a part in making me who I am today and in showing me that even when life sucks, it's still a beautiful thing.

Let me end this post with a video I saw on YouTube. It's set to one of my favorite songs by George Strait called "I Saw God Today." The song is told from the point of view of a man whose wife has just given birth to their child (in the song it's a daughter). While this is a main theme of the song, it's also about noticing the little things in life and appreciating life for the wonderful things that it can bring us. Enjoy the song and the video!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Don't give up. Don't ever give up."


You might recognize the quote I've titled this post with as being associated with former North Carolina State basketball coach Jim Valvano. "Jimmy V" led the NC State Wolfpack to the 1983 NCAA Championship over the heavily favored Houston Cougars (the "Phi Slama Jama" team that had future NBA Hall of Famer Hakeem Olajuwon on its team). Even though I was rooting for Houston in that game, I'll never forget watching Valvano run around the court in disbelief and joy -- and looking for someone to hug -- after that last game ended with a buzzer beater to seal the win for NC State. It was really great to watch!

The quote I referenced is the motto for The V Foundation for Cancer Research which was set up by "Jimmy V" not long before his death in 1993 at age 47. They've raised millions of dollars for cancer research and programs related to such research. One of the great things about this charity is that 100 percent of the net proceeds and direct donations to the foundation go towards cancer research and related programs. Quite an accomplishment!

I saw the video above on ESPN Wednesday night for the first time in many years. Valvano's speech in this video, from the 1993 ESPY Awards, remains one of the most inspiring speeches I've ever heard. Delivered less than two months before "Jimmy V" died, this speech helped start a wonderful foundation, and for me it's served as inspiration to remember to live life to the fullest and to keep going during life's difficult times. The speech is a little over 10 minutes long, and I promise you that every minute is worth watching.

Love life, keep fighting, and don't give up! Don't ever give up!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Inspiration from a beautiful and solitary tree

I took this with my camera phone on November 25, a gorgeous 70-something degree day in the DFW Metroplex. Yes, that's the hood of my car in the foreground...I was too lazy to get out of the car! ;) The picture is really cool to me. It's as if there is all of this desolation on the periphery of the picture (the bare trees), and then there's this one beautiful tree right in the middle that seems to say "I've still got something good to give despite the stark conditions around me." Call me weird, but I really like it. The last day or so has been difficult for me in trying to maintain my positive attitude at the consistent level it's been at over the last few weeks. I'm glad I pulled out this picture and looked at it again. Somehow, it inspires me to keep going.