Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The fine (and elusive) art of some football.

No matter what I do, I can't seem to write (or speak) in a concise, pithy manner. I don't know why. For some reason, I just have a knack for saying in 25 words what could have been said equally effectively in 10 words. This drives my girlfriend nuts, but to her credit, she's gotten better at tolerating it. Still, she does me good when she tells me to STFU after I've blabbed on too long. I think I need to listen to her more.

On another note...I'm still trying to decide if the Cowboys drew an easy or hard schedule. Most likely it's somewhere in the middle. Denver and Kansas city early should be good, even though they're both on the road. But having nearly all of the divisional games occur in the last half of the season might be tough if they get into a hole early. December and January are going to be tough, as usual, with games on the road against the New York Football Giants, New Orleans, and Washington, and San Diego and Philly at home (ending with them again!). It should be an interesting season, and I pray that Roy Williams can be an effective wideout, that all of the running backs can be healthy and contribute (I hope they can effectively use all three of them...Marion Barber, Felix Jones, and Tashard Choice), and that Tony Romo will improve...he had a good season for the most part last year, but there were a few boneheaded moves.

With that, I'm done. Pithy enough? I think it will have to be for me at this point.

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