Thursday, April 9, 2009

Yada, yada, yada...

I've finally decided to create a blog...look at me! ;)

Some of you may remember that I tried doing this a few years ago on another service, but I never followed through with it. Hopefully things will be different this time around. I know that posting to and maintaining a blog isn't rocket science, but since I've not used this service before, I'm a little wet behind the ears. If you've got any tips for me on how to make things easier on myself -- or more interesting for you, the reader -- then please tell me.

I hope I'm not going to bore the hell out of you with my postings (many of which will probably be rambling rants that go on too long...sorry about that, but I've gotta vent somehow, right?). I do hope that I will inform you, entertain you, and keep you coming back to read whatever I've posted. I may even annoy you or provoke you into leaving a comment or three...that's fine! I love a good debate or discussion!

Welcome to a little slice of my world. In the words of Jon Bon Jovi...buckle up, baby, it's a bumpy ride!

1 comment:

  1. I lurves this blog, especially when that little handi-man appears next to the word verification box...very appropriate...LMAO!!!!! Nice work. Is your blog title supposed to reference deliverance?
