Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

It's late in the evening as I write this. I'm not really up to writing a overly long treatise tonight (imagine that!), but I just wanted to post a few thoughts about Easter.

As I intimated in my previous post, thinking that anyone, much less Jesus himself, would give their life for me is awe-inspiring and incredibly humbling. I watched a little bit of a program on the History Channel earlier today that dealt with crucifixion in it's done, how it can affect the body, and how it ultimately causes death. While I was watching it, I had it in my head that this was probably what Jesus was actually observing, feeling...and living...during those moments when he was being scourged and then nailed to the cross. I struggled to keep my emotions in check at that moment, because if what I saw on the History Channel program is anything close to how it actually happened, then I know that Jesus suffered more than I can possibly imagine. This was eye-opening and very moving to me.

And yet, despite what must have been a gruesome and excruciatingly painful death, Jesus was resurrected. He lives again! What a confusing time that must have been for all of his disciples and those who loved him. They knew he was crucified, and then when they went to his tomb a few days later he was gone. Of course they thought that his body was would just about anyone, I'd guess. But then Jesus appeared, just like he said he would. He still bore the wounds of the stigmata, but he was alive! And he still lives today! If that is not a reason for hope and thankfulness, then I don't know what is.

I am profoundly grateful for what Jesus has done for me, and I hope to remain forever grateful. I also hope to remain optimistic, knowing that if Jesus can conquer death, then with his help, there are no trials that I cannot withstand. How amazing!

Maybe you agree with what I've said here, or maybe you agree with some of my religious views (I will probably detail them further in future posts). Maybe you don't agree with my words or with my beliefs. It's ok if you don't...I am not one to judge. I am a very tolerant man and I try to learn something from all people and viewpoints, even those with which I don't agree. Whether or not you agree, I want to take this moment to say a few quick things...we can overcome even the most harrowing of circumstances, but we can't do it alone. For me, I need the help of family, friends, and God. For you it may be different. Either way, we need each other as people, and I believe that we need to have faith in something greater than ourselves to help us through the rough times.

From my point of view, if Jesus can overcome death, and if he meant it when he said he would help us through the difficult times in life, then what do I have to fear? What a comforting thought!

I wish you all a most blessed Easter!

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