Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gestapo tactics at the airport

Did you know that it can be a problem to carry cash onto an airplane in the United States? Neither did I. Apparently, some wannabe pseudo-cops at the St. Louis airport decided it would be of paramount interest to verbally harass and berate a guy for carrying cash onto an airplane. (You can right click on the link and choose "open in a new window" if you want to open it while also keeping this post visible) The wannabe pseudo-cops are part of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). They're the folks who screen you at the airport to make sure you're not carrying any weapons or illicit items onto the plane.

The gentleman who was harassed works for "Campaign for Liberty", Ron Paul's grass-roots movement/organization which was founded to help resist the gradual erosion of our freedoms. Campaign for Liberty had a "rally" in St. Louis, and many of the attendees signed up to be a part of the movement...and donated cash and checks to help the cause. How much cash and checks? Approximately $4,700. While that is a fair amount of cash to be carrying onto a plane, it is perfectly legal to do so. According to what I've seen in researching this, one is only required to "declare" money brought onto a plane if the amount is $10,000 or greater. So why did the TSA decide to threaten to arrest this guy, and even bring in the DEA? Beats me.

I have no problem with ensuring that weapons, illicit items, etc. are screened out and removed before entering a secure area of an fact, I welcome that. To that end, I don't think it was wrong for the TSA to make sure that such items were not smuggled through security. But cash? What harm, by itself, can cash do? Absolutely none. And why threaten someone with arrest once you know that they have done nothing illegal? In fact, as you will hear toward the end of the YouTube clip I've posted a link to, they encountered an FBI agent who, after assessing the situation, determined that there was no reason to detain the man and then directed the TSA to let him go. The wannabe pseudo-cops never even found out that the money was contributions to a political organization! They were too hell-bent on "playing sheriff" and showing the guy from Campaign for Liberty "who's in charge around here." Cussing him out, threatening him with public arrest, and using intimidation tactics ("We're gonna help you understand the law if you don't") are not things that a so-called "professional" needs to be doing to this man, or to anyone.

Some may say that the guy from Campaign for Liberty was belligerent, but I disagree. He knew to ask if he was legally required to answer any questions, even those of a sensitive nature. While pointed in his queries as to what questions he was and was not legally required to answer, the guy from Campaign for Liberty never refused to answer anything, nor did he stop being polite or threaten the wannabe, TSA agents. Was he required to answer questions? least not to the TSA agents, who are not law enforcement agents. The TSA even admitted this fact!

We're supposed to feel safer, more relieved, that the government took over the airport screening process in the large majority of airports in this country after 9/11? Not with people like this. I will say that I've personally not had a problem with airport security, either before or after 9/11. Knowing that there are TSA agents out there who think it's ok to threaten and disrespect someone for doing nothing wrong, however, makes me hope that I never do have a problem with them. This is our government in action, dear reader, and I don't like what I am seeing.

1 comment:

  1. Those Morons shoulda known better than to mess with a libertarian...
